Dhoon School

Collaboration, Determination, Independence, Curiosity, Creativity

About us

Situated in Glen Mona, Maughold, Dhoon School provides high quality education for children from Reception through to Year 6 (ages 4 -11). Forming part of a Federation with Laxey School, just a short drive away along the coast, the overall responsibility for both schools lies with the Executive Headteacher, Maxim Kelly, and the day to day organisation of Dhoon School is overseen by Sarah Shimmin, Head of School.

Steeped in history, the original part of our building dates back to 1876, whilst an expansion in 2003 provided a four block classroom teaching area with two activity areas, a multi-purpose hall, changing rooms and kitchen. We also benefit from a dedicated playing field, a substantial enclosed playground, a canopied outdoor learning area and two outdoor learning cabins.

Both indoor and outdoor, our learning environments are stimulating, purposeful and vibrant, reflecting our high standards.

Our Team

Executive Headteacher

Mr Maxim Kelly

Head of School

Mrs Sarah Shimmin


Mrs Carol Glover - Chair of Governing Body

Mrs Louise Stewart - Teacher Governor

Mrs Zoe Sowrey - Parent Governor

Mr Jamie Smith - Co-opted Governor

Teaching Staff

Mrs Louise Stewart

Mr Macaulay Davis

Miss Ellen Barlow

Music Teacher

Mr Anthony Cross

Teaching Support

Miss Alison Oates

Miss Imogen Cook

Kitchen Staff

Mrs Helen McCallion


Mrs Annette Kelly


Ms Wendy Tacuri

Ancillary Support

Miss Imogen Cook