School Council Blog
December 2024 | Dhoon School Chat - December 2024 |
November 2024 | Dhoon School Chat - November 2024 |
October 2024 | Dhoon School Chat - October 2024 |
22.10.2021 Introducing the new School Council |
Our new school council for the 2021-22 academic year have penned their first addition to the Council Blog Page! You can read it here: Introduction to the new School Council |
04.06.2021 We've been back in school for half a term! |
Harry - "It’s great to be back learning in our friendly environment after the third lockdown and I hope you’re all as happy as I am to be back. I’ve most loved being able to do group activities and working with my classmates in teams which of course wasn’t possible during lockdown.
Although we are going into half term , I’m really looking forward to my last few weeks before I move onto Ramsey Grammar and plan to make the very most of my time at Dhoon. Have a great half term everyone." Hunter - "I liked seeing my friends Sam, Elliot and Orry and I also liked seeing the kittens that visited school. I am enjoying being back at school." Grace - "I have enjoyed coming back to school to see all my friends. I also enjoyed the residential trip as it was really great to collaborate with the pupils from Laxey School. I have very much enjoyed the break from being on the screen in lockdown!" Lucy – "I am glad I am back at school to do lots of fun school activities. I also liked seeing all my friends. Have a great half term everyone." Elliot – "I have liked seeing all my friends because I really missed them."
Kassie – "I have really enjoyed being back at school as I was able to catch up with my friends. I have also enjoyed our school library as we have had a restock of some new books. I have also really enjoyed doing some sports with my friends. Have a lovely half term everyone." |
26.03.2021 Easter Blog |
We are wishing everyone a lovely Easter Break - remember to have time off your screens! You have all worked so hard this term. We hope you enjoy some of our messages and enjoy having a go if you wish. Take care everyone Dhoon School Council Origami Easter Bunny by Kassie ![]() Download a PDF version of Kassie's Origami Easter Bunny here Design a Marble Run by Hunter Download a copy of Hunter's Marble Run here Create an Easter Design by Grace
A Springtime Poem by Emma Download a copy of Emma's poem here A Video Message from Harry |
19.03.2021 #Lockdown 3.0 Pick A Challenge UPDATE |
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12.03.2021 #Lockdown 3.0 Pick A Challenge |
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05.03.2021 Charity Donations |
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05.03.2021 Update from the School Council |
Welcome back to lockdown! Please keep safe and look after yourselves. We will continue to write our Blog which will be posted to Dhoon Schools Website. We have some information to update you on. At Christmas we had a collection at our Christmas Concerts. We donate half of the money to our School and we choose a charity to donate the other half to. We have chosen two charities, both dedicated to helping children. Even though they both have many similarities, they have a few differences too. The Isle of Play is more interested in letting children fulfil their ‘right to play’ and just let kids be kids. Whereas the Children’s Centre is more focused on helping children and young adults realise their full potential.
We are sending an email out to these charities to let them know the good news. Thank you to Lucy and Harry for writing them. (Kassie) Toast Thursday – we recently visited Laxey School to see how they delivered their Toast days. It was really good fun and we decided that we would change the way in which we do ours. Unfortunately, we only managed to do this on one day because then we went into lockdown, but we look forward to carrying on when we get back to school. We hope you liked the changes we made and your toast was still warm! Here we are with some of the Laxey Team. The other half of our School Council will get to visit when we head back to school so we are looking forward to that.
Thank you for having us visit, Laxey School (Grace)
29.01.2021 Back To School Message |
![]() ![]() ![]() We hope you have enjoyed reading our school blogs over lockdown. We are looking forward to returning to School on Monday 1st February 2021. Here is our Back To School message:
B is for brave A is for ambition C is for collaboration K is for kindness
T is for trust O is for organisation
S is for strength C is for curiosity H is for happiness O is for open-minded O is for outstanding L is for listening |
23.01.2021 School Council would like to share some of their favourite activities |
"One of my favourite activities to do in my spare time is drawing. It’s really fun even though it takes a lot of practice. I especially like colouring in my art because it brings life to my drawing and makes it unique." ![]() "I have been singing and dancing around the house to my favourite song ‘Happier'." Elliot"My favourite things to do in my spare time is to go to the beach and collect sea glass. This weekend I went to the Point of Ayre, to see if I could find some sea glass. I didn’t find any glass anywhere but instead I found a skeleton and I’m trying to figure out what it is. Maybe you might know? Can you help me identify it? It measures 16cm long. When I am back at school I will put It on our Cabinet of Curiosity so you can all have a look." Grace "Hi everybody, hope you're all keeping well. During lockdown I have enjoyed doing karaoke with my family. We like to turn the party lights on, sing our favourite songs and dance around the living room! My favourite song to sing along to is Sweet Melody by Little Mix. Singing helps me relax and unwind after a busy day of homelearning. Everyone should try it! Take care." Emma "Lockdown is tough but there are some things that help me keep my spirits up. I like to go on a run with my family through Ballure Reservoir and the Albert Tower. It has got multiple great viewing points and many routes for your family to explore. You can go on a different route every time! The air is so fresh and clean, no matter whether you are walking or running it is always great fun. If you prefer mountain biking there are multiple challenging tracks in Ballure Reservoir for all levels of mountain bikers from experienced to beginner. If you fancy something a bit more relaxed, fishing is also popular. Ballure Reservoir and the Albert Tower are somewhere where everyone should go and visit. It is always great fun, to explore these places and they never disappoint with the stunning views and tracks." Harry "We have enjoyed spending our time getting as much fresh air as we can. We have been collecting lots of drift wood and beach glass for a project and when we are at home I have been enjoying snuggling up with my dogs. This is Luna." Hunter "During lockdown I got up to do lots of different things. My rabbit Pixie recently was very unwell. She has made a full recovery and loves having cuddles and playing with her toys in our new home. Before last lockdown we moved in to our house which we all love. Our dog Sky loves running around the field as do my two horse Chester and Heaven. My cat Jack-Jack loves going on adventures. I have three really friendly chickens Luna, Spirit and Cinnamon. Wishing you a great week to come, from me and all my fury friends. This is my dog Sky."
15.01.2021 Review of our favourite games #StayAtHome #BeSafe |
![]() We have been reviewing our favourite board games and we hope you enjoy reading about them. Maybe you could let us know what your favourite games are? Let us know why you like them and who you play the games with, please send your information and/or a photograph to "My favourite board games is Cluedo.I have two versions: Harry Potter and Tank museum. I love to play them with my mum, dad and sister; sometimes my dog Morgan gets in on the action too! Cluedo is my favourite game because you have to be very strategic to win the game. It’s the perfect game to get your mind working and get ready for the day. I hope this inspires you to try it to." Kassie "I play Yahtzee with my dad. I am currently beating my dad 7-4. We start by doing rocks, paper, scissors to decide who goes first! I think Yahtzee helps with your maths because you have to add the dice. There are also various combinations of dice you need to get - these are called Yahtzee, full house, 3 of a kind, 4 of a kind, small straight and large straight. These combinations give you points which are recorded on the pad which comes with the game. For example a Yahtzee gives you 50 points. I also think the game is about luck and decision making, and overall it is good fun. Have a go!" Grace "My favourite board game is Cluedo. I like playing it with my brother because I like to try and beat him! You have to try and find out who murdered the person, what they used to do it and where they did it. You have to ask questions after every turn and make a note of the answers. By the end of the game you should be able to work out who, where and with what! You have to concentrate lots but it’s really exciting!" Emma "My favourite game is Don’t wake Dad. To win the game you have to reach the cake in the fridge without waking Dad. You have to spin the spinner then move your piece to whichever colour space it lands on then if someone else has the matching card you press the alarm clock the number of times shown on the board. If you wake dad you have to go back to the start. I play this game with my Mum, Dad and Ayva-Rose." Elliot "I like Battleships because it is about war and you have to think about your next move. I like playing it with my daddy. A good tip is saying the letters and numbers and remembering ones you have already missed." Hunter "My favourite game is Monopoly!" Read my review of Monopoly here Lucy "My favourite games is Beat The Parents." Read my review of Beat The Parents here Harry |
08.01.2021 A Lockdown Message from the School Council
A message from Harry... I hope you are coping well with the new lockdown rules and you all stay well and keep safe. Try to have a break in the school day to go outside and get some fresh air. You can also use this time to relax, put your feet up and have a rest from your clubs and other activities. Hopefully if we stick to the rules, this will all be over in no time. I look forward to seeing everybody back at school very soon. Take care, Harry. A message from Kassie... Hi everyone, in lockdown I think it’s really important to stay fit, that’s why I’m setting you a challenge:- Everyday, I want you to do 10 minutes of exercise, you could do anything from practicing your press-ups to racing your dog around the garden! The choice is yours as long as you have fun and keep healthy. Kassie. A message from Emma... During downtime, I have been enjoying sharing jokes with my family. Here are two that I especially like and we hope you do to: 1. What do you get if you sit under a cow?... A "pat" on the head! 2. What do you call a girl stood between two goalposts?... Annette! (We thought Mrs. Kelly might like this!) A message from Grace... In the mornings try to get up and get dressed because it makes you feel fresh and ready to start the day (I do have to admit I’m not very good at that, I love my PJs). It is also very important to keep in touch with friends to have some fun together. Keep safe, Grace. A message from Hunter... Hi everyone, what do you get if you cross a balloon with a porcupine?... "Pop!" A message from Elliot... Hi everybody please stay safe, stay home and wash your hands. I can't wait to see you all when school is open again! A message from Lucy... Hi, I hope you are all well and happy, considering these times. Jokes of the day: 1. What did the shark say when he ate a clownfish This tastes a little funny ! 2. What do you call a magic dog?... A labracadabrador! 3. Why did the bike fall over?... Because it was two tired! 3. Why are fish so smart?... Because they live in schools! 3. If a seagull flies over the sea, what flies over the bay?... A bagel! Everyone stay safe . And I wish you a happy year to come.
18.12.2020 Christmas Update |
Christmas Fair
We would like to thank all the parents and helpers who came to our Christmas Fair. We had a lovely time and hope you did too.
Some of the things we remember are the delicious cakes on the cake stall and lots of fun games to play. Which one did you like the best? Lots of children really enjoyed the hair stall and the face painting. It was lovely to see lots of Rudolf Reindeers about. The Hampers were incredible and there were some very lucky winners. We raised an incredible £1,376.00 for our school. Thank you parents and wider community. A big thank you to the teachers and staff at school who help with the organisation. School Film Night
We held a school film night which was very well attended. We hope that parents had some time for a spot of Christmas Shopping! We raised a fantastic £220.00 for school. We will ask pupils for suggestions in the New Year of things we could spend the money on. Playtime equipment/new games? Have a think and let us know. Christingle Service
Mr. Cretney has emailed us to let us know that that the retiring collection at our Christingle Service has raised £125.35 and that this will be donated to Rebecca House. To this will be added part of their Christmas Eve Collection with the balance going to the Children’s Society. Thank you for your donations. |
11.12.2020 Christmas Fair Fundraising Update! |
Last week we organised a Christmas Fair to raise some money! Here is Emma with an update of how much we made! |
03.12.2020 Christmas Tree |
On Thursday 26th November, we had a very exciting afternoon out to pick our School Christmas Tree from Andreas Christmas Trees. We found out all about the trees. Each of us had a different memory of the afternoon:- "I loved going to pick the Christmas Tree and the tree that we chose was 15 years old." Lucy "They have planted 5000 Christmas Trees." – Elliott "It was amazing how many trees they have and how they ranged in size and price." Harry "The tree we chose was the perfect shape and size." Kassie "I like how all the trees were freshly grown and huge!" Hunter "I liked finding out how long it took to grow all the different sizes." Emma "Each tree has it’s own characteristics." Grace
Mr Stewart, Mrs Stewarts husband, very kindly went to collect our tree and delivered it to school. All the children were very excited to see it arrive. A massive thank you to Wendy our caretaker, who decorated the tree for us. I think you will agree, it looks spectacular
27.11.2020 Interview with the School Hockey Team |
The School Council interviewed the Hockey Team! Watch the interview below! We hope you enjoy it. |
27.11.2020 Learning about Night and Day in Year 2 |
In Year 2 we have been learning about Night and Day. We have done some art work to show this. We have learnt about what animals you can see in the Day and Night. In the day we can see dogs, pigs, cows and chickens and in the day we see owls, cats, mice. We watched a video about the sun and moon. Did you know that the Sun and Moon take a whole year to go around the Earth? The Sun comes up in the morning and the Moon shines at night. ![]() By Hunter & Elliot (Year 2)
20.11.2020 Daffodils with Garff Commissioners |
Garff Commissioners visited us on 19th November so that we could plant our daffodil bulbs for the Daffodil Competition in Spring. Instructions were given on how to look after your daffodil so that it had a good chance of flowering. They also have a decorate your pot competition which is lots of fun. There are always some amazing entries. We took the opportunity to ask the Commissioner Team some questions.
How long have you been coming to Dhoon School? Over 14 years, which is quite a long time
Do you visit any other schools? Yes, in recent years we have run the competition at Laxey
What do you you like about judging the competition? Its great fun and we like to see the decorated pots. Dhoon School always have some great entries.
What inspired you to do the daffodil competition? A lady called Hazel Lace, CP was at the time the Captain of the Parish and she put the idea forward. Mrs Lace, CP was part of the competition for 8 years. She also loved plants and had a fabulous garden.
20.11.2020 Report about the Bonfire Disco |
The first week back at school after half term we were very excited to hold a Dhoon School Bonfire disco. We had several winners in the dance competition and everyone had lots of fun showing off their dance moves. A BIG THANK YOU to Callum’s Dad who was our brilliant DJ for the evening and to all the teachers who stayed to help us.![]()
16.11.2020 Dhoon School Remembers |
I was excited to represent Dhoon School with Mr Kelly, by laying the wreath at Maughold Church on Sunday 8th November, 2020. There were lots of people from the community who attended this event. This is me outside the church:![]() By Lucy Ballard |
16.11.2020 Ceilidah Total |
THANK YOU, we raised £403.90 for our school. Such a fabulous evening was had by all.
09.11.2020 Introducing Archie - our School Dog |
We have a school dog that visits us every Friday. He belongs to Mrs Stewart and his name is Archie. He is 2 years old. Archie is a friendly French Bull Dog, who loves going on walks around the playground. He even likes doing maths with the children. He loves to play with everyone and also likes our Assemblies, although he sometimes SNORES very LOUDLY. ![]() |
04.11.2020 Cake Sale Update! |
On the final day of last half term we organised a cake sale to raise some money! Here is Elliot with an update of how much we made! |
03.11.2020 Report About This Term's Fell Running Championships |
On Saturday 26th September 2020 the Junior Fell Running Championships took place for the first time at Knockaloe Beg Farm. It proved to be a stunning venue, with Peel Hill in the background and Corrin’s Tower at the summit of the climb. Over 400 people finished the race,173 girls and 231 boys! There were races for each year group from Year 2 to Year 7 with the distance ranging from 900m to 2km. As usual Dhoon School supported the event and entered a strong team made up of, Elliot Kelly, Max Meadows, Phoebe Cumming-Lattey, and Harry Stennett - they all put in great performances to make our school proud. Special mentions go out to each member of the team including Elliot who worked hard in his first race on a very tough course, Phoebe who came 12th, Max who came 18th and Harry who came 1st. Everyone from Dhoon School put in 100% effort, showed a great attitude and were fantastic ambassadors for the school. On behalf of Dhoon School we would like to thank Manx Fell Runners for organising such an enjoyable event. We look forward to seeing you there next year! By Harry Stennett |
02.11.2020 Welcome To Our Blog |
Welcome to our new School Blog! We will keep you updated with information and events and exciting things happening in our school. After completing an application form expressing our interest in being a School Council Member, we were appointed to our roles in September 2020. We are looking forward to working together. Let us introduce ourselves: My name is Kassie, my job in School Council is the Chairperson. My job is to decide what we will discuss in our meetings and made sure everyone is included. Fun Fact about me: I have a dog named Morgan and my favourite animal is an otter. My name is Elliot, my job is Class 1 Representative – I give messages to my class. Fun Fact about me: I like football Hi, my name is Emma. I am Class 2 Representative. I tell everyone ALL the information that we discuss in our meetings. Fun Fact about me: My dad is a Teacher and his name is Mr. Cross Hello, my name is Hunter, my role in School Council is Class 1a Representative. My job is to tell the class about important events. Fun Fact about me: I have two dogs called Indy and Luna and I love to do tricks with them Hi, my name is Lucy and my role in School Council is Class 3 Representative, which is where I get messages to the class from the school council to let them know what’s going on. Fun Fact about me: I have two horses called Chester and Heaven Hello, my name is Grace, I am the School Council Treasurer which means that I count all the money we raise. Fun Fact about me: I play badminton and I like giraffes My name is Harry. I am the School Council Secretary. I take minutes of the meetings and meeting notes are filed in our School Council file.
Fun fact about me: I like sports and I have a pet dog. Please remember that we have a suggestion box in the school foyer, so please put any suggestions for things you would like to take place in our school. |